Monday 17 October 2011

The land of many rivers part 3

As we reached the mouth of the river, the boat swung out into the Atlantic ocean, which happily was quite calm.
The coastline was densely forested and low lying.

Suddenly, without warning, we again turned starboard and entered a narrow river inlet surrounded by mangroves, with the tall trees towering over creating a cave-like impression.

On this part of the river, the roar of the boat's outboard engine seemed to echo in the quiet of the forest.

As the mangroves thinned out, giving way to savannah, we saw occasional single homes and landings, among grasslands, coconut trees and shrubs.

Finally, we arrived at the village of Maruca in the Kumaka district.

We were met by Tessa, another VSO volunteer,working in the schools in this area.
As Tessa's flatmate was away for the weekend- and she has a hammock strung across her living area, there was sleeping accommodation for us in her flat in the teachers' quarters.

Here we spent an extremely quiet and peaceful weekend, buying food to cook (no fridge for storage), lolling in hammocks, reading and gossiping and strolling around the village.

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