Monday 29 August 2011

Domesticity- part 5- wheeled transport

In Georgetown there are several options for getting around.
Walking is fine, if you have an umbrella, have little to carry and plenty of time. It is too hot to ever hurry.
The sea wall is one of the nicest places to walk along.

For distances, there are the buses: these are minibuses, owned, and seemingly unregulated, by small competing companies operating on several defined routes. Each has a driver and a "bus boy", who collects fares, opens and closes the doors, shouts instructions and squashes passengers into already crowded vehicles. There is a fixed fare. Yellow paint markings, sometimes obscured or worn away, indicate the bus stops. Passengers shout out when they wish to alight, or bang on the ceiling of the minibus to catch the attention of the driver.
Drivers appear to be racing their rivals, sometimes travelling two abreast down a street, beeping the horn rather than braking then sharply turning towards the pavement and stopping suddenly to pick up new passengers. Scary!

There are several taxi companies, and VSO recommends specific ones which seem to employ the steadier drivers. Cabs are bright yellow, and sometimes decked out with elaborate soft furnishings, dangling ornaments and the inevitable cheesy pop music on the radio or CD.

Or, there is the trusty bike.
My new bike- no gears needed as there are no hills in Georgetown,  and a  sensible basket at the front  for my work bag or shopping. Its a plodding machine and it does the job.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I love the bike. It looks a real steady machine! Nothing like the 'Raleigh' used at Fleetwood! xx
